I’ve been blogging for several years now, but for anyone who visited my blog, you probably noticed I had a very user non-friendly blog. I never set up categories or tags for my entries. If you were looking for something on my blog, you could type in a word and do a search, but just to browse, you had to do it by month.
I decided that while I had a little extra time, I was going to fix this. I spent 8 hours today going through all of my posts (over 400 of them) and adding categories and tags to them all. You can now click on a category like Alaska, Food, Travel, etc. to see the blog posts under each. Or you can get more specific and look under the tags to see items such as fish, cakes, cookies, bears, etc.
I hope that if you’ve visited before but not spent any time on the blog, you’ll do a little browsing now and find something that might be of interest.


Updated Blog — 2 Comments

  1. Thank you!!!!! Great job! I’ve been reading your blog for a while now, just another “foodie” who enjoys reading, eating and making food! Have a great day!
    Trish-You are very welcome. It was way too late in coming. I’m glad you’re visiting my blog. I’m trying to get more active with it again, and until that time hopefully you’ll now enjoy browsing what’s already there.

  2. What an endeavor. Will make looking up stuff so much easier. if only I did that with mine.