(My photo is blurry, but if you’ll read what temperature it is outside you’ll realize my hands were shaking from the cold!)
The theme for today’s PhotoHunter is “hope”. We are about to set a new record for the number of days it hasn’t reached 0, and I’m not happy about it. As you can see, it was quite cold at our house this morning. But, I have HOPE that it is going to get warmer soon. And when it finally does, 10 above is going to feel balmy!


PHOTOHUNTER – “HOPE” — 6 Comments

  1. You poor thing! I can’t imagine being that cold for a record number of days. I hope it gets balmy warm for you also very soon!

  2. Oh, my goodness, that’s cold! I can see why 10 degrees would seem hopeful! I thought Michigan was bad…Kathy