I want to say thanks to everyone who inquired how I’m doing after surgery. The surgery went well. The biopsy came back just fine. Evidently the damage to my toe, from wear and tear, caused damage to the cartilage, which caused (if I remember what the dr said correctly) some extra soft cartilage growth, which is what the “tumor” or growth on my toe was. He removed that, cleaned out the damaged cartilage and removed the bone fracture. Oh yeah, he also drilled some holes in the bone to relieve pressure. Just saw him today for a follow-up, and he said it all looks good. Could cause me some problems 5, 10, or 20 years down the road, which if it does, at that time is when I would probably have to have the bones broken, a small section taken out, and reattached with screws.
During the surgery, I just had the type of anethesia where I was out for 5 minutes or so while they numbed my foot, then I was awake and talking during the entire surgery. That part was very strange, but it didn’t bother me. It made it so much easier after surgery, as I often get sick from anesthesia. I was in recovery and wide awake and feeling great this time. Didn’t have any pain until that night when the numbness wore off my foot. I had Darvacet for pain, but it didn’t even touch my pain. So, unfortunately, I had a lot of pain that first night because no pharmacies are open 24 hours here, so I had to wait until the morning to get a different prescription. In the meantime, the next morning the Darvacet began making me violently ill. So that was not good. By early afternoon it was all out of my system, and the new prescription for Vicadin began working. It controlled the pain if I took 2 of them, but then I got another side effect that can happen with pain meds-horrible itching all over. I thought I would scratch my skin off, so I tried to cut back on the pain meds, but at that point I still wasn’t able to, so I added Benedryl to the list of meds I was taking. Still itched, but not as bad, and I’ve now been able to cut back to 1 Vicadin every 4 hours. With this dose, I don’t itch, and I’m much more coherent.
Today is the first day I’ve been up for more than 5 minutes at a time. It’s nice being out of bed, but I still have to sit with my foot elevated most of the time. I know it’s getting better as each day goes by, and the doctor said I’d see a big improvement this next week. I’m going to try to read this next week-I think I’ve seen enough TV to last me for a while.
And here’s a photo of Bella. With all of the different things going on in the house, the poor thing was just so worn out. And where did she decide she needed to be? Right next to my foot, on the soft squishy pillows.
One more thing-you’re not going to see a lot of blog entries from me in the next week. I will participate in some of my ongoing groups, like Sunday Salad Samplers, but will be late with my posts. No standing on my feet cooking for a while.



  1. Cindy Ruth, I am glad the surgery went well. Good news that the biopsy was fine.
    I am soooo sorry to read about the darvocet not working and making you ill and then your reaction to vicodin. I hope by now the pain is lessening some so that you won’t have to rely on the pain meds much longer.
    I hope you will be able to be up and around a little more soon. It must be very frustrating being stuck in bed or on the couch all day. Bella looks comfy.
    Take care!

  2. Thanks Candi and Girasoli. I’ve gone all evening without pain meds, so I’m hoping that maybe I can get by without them from now on. Or at the least only take them at night. It’s not fun being on all of those meds that can cause so many side effects.

  3. Glad to hear that things went well.
    I was wondering how you would fare with the Daring Cooks dumpling fest! They were flipping amazing BTW!

  4. I hope are starting to feel better. I’m glad to hear the biopsy results were good but it sounds like a rough time right now. Rest up and heal fast.

  5. Jerry, unfortunately I won’t be participating in Daring Cooks this month. I was gone out of town to a meeting the week before my surgery, and I thought I’d make them the weekend I came back, but I ended up with a sore throat and didn’t feel well enough to make them. I keep looking at that post date of tomorrow wondering if I could stand long enough to make the dough, but it’s not going to happen. I will participate, just later. I’m glad you’ve joined. Did you join Daring Bakers?

  6. What a sweet photo of Bella! Take care and relax all you can! You’ll be up and busy in no time.

  7. Sandi-I think you have an excuse for being behind on the salads. When we came back from Italy, it took me about 2 weeks just to get over jetlag and back on correct sleep times. Can’t wait to hear more about your trip.

  8. I am sending you strong healing energies. I will miss seeing you version of the Salad Samplers but it is understandable. Your posts will be missed.
    I thought the shrimp guacamole was your version of Jan’s salad. 🙂
    That is a cute picture of Bella… pretending or trying hard to keep watch on the patient. 🙂

  9. I am a little late in commenting, but I am so glad you are on the road to recovery in spite of the bumps in the road. It sounds like the worst is over as far as pain is concerned.
    I know you are anxious to get back on your feet, but Bella will be sad that you are not on the bed with her.

  10. Bella looks like she’s cuddling up to the part of you that hurts so she can make the hurt go away.
    Glad you’re feeling better.

  11. Oh you poor thing, I’m happy you are recovering, but I really do feel your inability to get up and move around – probably a good thing that we will be in Anchorage all of 5 hours week after this one, and that will be at the airport awaiting our flight home – perhaps we will meet in San Diego.