Today, Anchorage finally hit 70 degrees for the first time this summer. It has been a cold, rainy spring/summer, and I think every weekend has been rainy. Yesterday was sunny, and I worked all day. Today was forcasted for another sunny day, so I took a vacation day and spent all day outside-pulling weeds from the flower beds, reading cookbooks, and just soaking up some Vitamin D. A nice way to spend the day. Tomorrow it is supposed to get cloudy again, and then begin raining tomorrow night, and rain all through the weekend, with the high tomorrow 60. If we don’t get a little more sunshine and warmth this summer, this winter is going to be very hard to deal with. On the brightside of things, my first rose bloomed today. Flowers are way behind, and I didn’t even put in a vegetable garden this year, but I have one rose in bloom, and several more a day or two away. I guess if we look hard enough, we can always find some silver lining. Also, if it’s cold this weekend, I plan to do a lot of baking. Make a few of the Sunday Slow Bakers things in advance while I have some extra time.

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