Today you’re getting a very simple recipe from me. I wouldn’t even call it a recipe. Our ingredient for the week was bananas. I enjoy bananas, but don’t think I use them in much cooking other than banana bread.
When I was in Hawaii in November, I bought some apple bananas. I love them. They’re a little tarter than a regular banana, and their nice small size is the perfect portion. One morning I smashed some up in my oatmeal and thought it was delicious. Of course I’ve eaten bananas sliced on cold cereal, but I don’t think I’d ever eaten them on hot ceraeal.
My recipe for the week is Banana Nut Oatmeal. The complimentary ingredients I used are cinnamon, oats, brown sugar and walnuts. This is a very healthy, filling breakfast. You can skip the cinnamon if you would like, and I like it even better with maple syrup instead of brown sugar.
Here’s how I made it – Cut a banana (half of one if yours is large) into small chunks and place in a microwavable bowl. Add 1/2 cup old-fashioned oatmeal and cover with water (or you can use milk if you want a really rich oatmeal. Microwave until all water is absorbed, about 2 minutes. Sprinkle with cinnamon, brown sugar, and toasted chopped walnuts. Stir and serve.

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